Letting Scheme for Subsidised Sale Developments with Premium Unpaid 2019 - Hong Kong Housing Society

Statistics of Rental Transaction Record

Table 1 - The Number of Signed Tenancy Agreements by Flat Layout

Year Flat Layout HS Subsidised Sale Flats HA Subsidised Sale Flats Total
No bedroom or 1 bedroom 0 11 11
2 bedrooms or above 4 51 55
Total 4 62 66

Table 2 - Distribution of Signed Tenancy Agreements by Area

Year Area HS Subsidised Sale Flats HA Subsidised Sale Flats Total
Hong Kong 0 3 3
Kowloon 1 17 18
New Territories 3 42 45
Total 4 62 66

Table 3 - Distribution of Signed Tenancy Agreements by Mode of Letting and Tenant Category

Year Mode of Letting Tenant Category Total
Entire Flat HKCSS 0
Tenant Certificate Holder 65
Individual Bedroom(s) Tenant Certificate Holder 1
Total 66

Last Revision Date: 25/07/2024 17:30


  1. HS = Hong Kong Housing Society
  2. HA = Hong Kong Housing Authority
  3. Above rental transactions include only tenancy agreement signed between (i) Owner and Tenant; and/or (ii) Owner and The Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS). The information is provided by Owner, Tenant and/or HKCSS.
  4. The above statistics are compiled with reference to the date of "Notice of Execution of the Tenancy Agreement" provided by Owner, Tenant and/or HKCSS, and are for reference only. In case of any discrepancies, Hong Kong Housing Society’s records shall prevail.


More Statistics:

  • 2023 Statistics of Rental Transaction Record : please download here
  • 2022 Statistics of Rental Transaction Record : please download here
  • 2021 Statistics of Rental Transaction Record : please download here
  • 2020 Statistics of Rental Transaction Record : please download here
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