Letting Scheme for Subsidised Sale Developments with Premium Unpaid 2019 - Hong Kong Housing Society

The Hong Kong Council of Social Service

The Hong Kong Council of Social Service (“HKCSS”) is the partner of HS under the Scheme. HS has issued a “Certificate of Participation – Organisation” (“Organisation Certificate”) to HKCSS on 22 June 2020, its Organisation Certificate Number is OC-W000001-00001-B.  Sample of Organisation Certificate is uploaded on the webpage “Home > Sample of Certificates and Undertakings”, or please click here to download for information.

Under the relevant terms and conditions, HKCSS can rent subsidised sale flats with premium unpaid from owners holding valid Owner Certificate (“Owner Certificate Holders”) and permit valid holders of Tenant Certificate (“Tenant Certificate Holders”) to use and occupy the said flats with premium unpaid (or certain bedroom(s) therein) under the terms and conditions of the Scheme. If the Flat belongs to HA’s subsidised sale developments, HKCSS must obtain the relevant “Nomination Certificate” issued by the HA for the Flat before entering into tenancy agreement with the owner.

HKCSS may arrange the relevant subsidised sale flats with premium unpaid (or certain bedroom(s) therein) to be used and occupied by Tenant Certificate Holders directly by way of licence agreements. For instance, HKCSS may collaborate with those non-governmental organisation (“Service Operators”) approved by HKCSS and HS, such that HKCSS and Service Operators (“HKCSS Group”) may permit Tenant Certificate Holders to use and occupy the relevant subsidised sale flats with premium unpaid (or certain bedroom(s) therein) as licensees by way of licence agreements. However, Service Operators shall not enter into licence agreements with Tenant Certificate Holders on their own. Please click here to check the list of approved Service Operators (the list will be updated from time to time).

The owner, HKCSS, HKCSS Group and/or the Tenant Certificate Holder, depending on individual application objectives and circumstances, must use latest versions of tenancy agreement or licence agreement (including mandatory terms that cannot be modified or deleted) prepared by Hong Kong Housing Society. Please refer to the webpage “Home > Prescribed Tenancy Agreement and Licence Agreement” or click here to download. In the event of any controversies or disputes regarding the tenancy arrangement (including but not limited to the terms and conditions of the tenancy agreement and licence agreement), it shall be handled by the respective parties of the agreement(s) on their own.

For further details about the arrangement of matching or tenancy arrangement under this Scheme, please visit https://socialhousing.hkcss.org.hk/en/owner_application or call on (852) 5323 3296 for enquiry (office hours: 9:00am to 5:30pm from Monday to Friday, except Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays).

To download the Application Form, interested Owner Certificate Holders can click here; while interested Tenant Certificate Holders can click here.

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